About Healing is Written

Jesus Christ is the Answer to our every need – spirit, soul, and body!

The church has gotten far away from the simplicity that is in Christ. Far from His Word and walking by what is written.

We must as His body return to Him with all our heart and diligently seek Him to know Him and His Word firsthand for ourselves. Many have heard of Jesus in the church from pulpits and ministries, but they haven’t seen Him for themselves. Tragically, what a great many have heard from others about Jesus is not His truth.

My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you.

Job 32:5

The consequences to this lack of knowledge in the church runs deep, far, and wide – a church called to be Jesus in the earth, bound by sin, sickness, and demonic oppression, ignorant on how to apply the Word to be set free.

The “pandemic” greatly exposed the severity of lack of knowledge of God’s Word in the church. Many sons and daughters of the King just as fearful as the world bowed to pharmakeia just as the Word predicted. “For by your sorcery [pharmakeia] all the nations were deceived,” (Revelation 18:23).

Had the church as a whole been filled with the Word, His truth would have been a shield and buckler protecting them from their every deception. Including from pulpits who went along to get along and didn’t warn His sheep. His church is called to be the source of God’s wisdom in every circumstance but failed to be in time of such great need.

This is just one of many examples of the ease with which the evil one has been able to deceive God’s people in these times. This is not our Heavenly Father’s will.

Jesus Christ’s very Name means Salvation and His great salvation encompasses much more than a ticket to Heaven. He is our All-Sufficient One, our All in All, the One who is the fullness of Him who fills and completes all things in all believers (Ephesians 1:23).

Through Christ’s atonement, we were made at-one-ment or one flesh with Him. “For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones,” (Ephesians 5:30). Therefore, we are fully equipped in Him, Him in us, through Him, and by Him to serve as His kings and priests, His royal priesthood, in all the earth to bring Christ’s healing to others spirit, soul, and body by the power of His Name, Word, and Spirit.

Freely you have received, freely give.

Matthew 10:8


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any prayer requests, comments, etc.

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